e diel, 24 qershor 2007
Reliable Genset C-175
The launch of the C-175 generator comes against the background of the success of the Caterpillar 3500 series of generators, which have proven reliable and the leaders of their class. This newest genset is equipped with centerline engine and up to 4MW of power.

The new CAT C-175 has been speci? cally engineered to address the current and future needs of the worldwide electric power industry. It is the result of extensive customer research to identify key product bene? ts sought by our engine and generator set customers�, said William J. Rohner, Vice President of Caterpillar Electric Power Division.

The big event in Singapore was attended by Caterpillar dealers, customers and consultants from the Asia Paci? c, including 15 people from Trakindo who brought with them some of their customers.

During the event, Steve Kilgallon, General Manager Power Systems Division Trakindo, said, �The CAT C-175 is the ? rst of its kind to be introduced into this part of the world and has terri? c potential for Indonesia�. Steve added that the C-175 is the ideal choice in Indonesia, especially for big construction projects that require operational standby power. What makes this model superior is the amount of power it can produce. The C-175 does not look very di? erent from the 3516, yet it can produce 50% more power. This will allow customers to cut their power house costs, bringing them signi? cant savings.

The C-175 genset was designed for industries that need a lot of power, either for standby, prime or continuous use, or for load management applications. This includes the health, commercial, institutional, government, public services, data center, energy utilities, manufacturing, industrial, logistics and communications sectors. With the new design of the engine, the C-175 has the tested ability to provide reliable power.

The Engine of the CAT C-175 is supported by five systems; the air system, fuel system, electronic system, cooling system and lube system. Together, these systems produced a world-class Engine, as seen from the use of ACERT technology to support the five systems.

posted by HevyDuty @ 8:25 e pasdites  
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